Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Reading Programs Similar to Visualizing and Verbalizing

Several reading programs target comprehension, retention, and overall cognitive development through mental imagery and other strategies. These programs are beneficial for dual language learners and students with high social and emotional needs, much like Visualizing and Verbalizing. Here are some notable ones:

1. Lindamood-Bell's Seeing Stars and LiPS Programs

Seeing Stars: This program focuses on developing symbol imagery for reading fluency and spelling.

  • Mental Imagery: Encourages visualization of letters and words.
  • Comprehension: Strengthens the ability to process and understand text.
  • Dual Language Support: Helps students visualize words, improving vocabulary and grammar retention.

LiPS (Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program): Emphasizes phonemic awareness to improve reading and spelling.

  • Phonemic Awareness: Enhances the ability to recognize and manipulate phonemes.
  • Multi-Sensory Approach: Uses visual, auditory, and tactile feedback to build phonological skills.
  • Emotional and Social Needs: Provides structured, calming activities that support students with high social and emotional needs.

2. Read Naturally

Read Naturally focuses on improving reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary through repeated reading and teacher modeling.

  • Fluency Development: Repeated reading helps students improve their reading speed and accuracy.
  • Comprehension Strategies: Activities enhance understanding and retention of the text.
  • Dual Language Learners: Provides support through structured practice and feedback.
  • Social and Emotional Support: Builds confidence through incremental progress and success.

3. Thinking Maps

Thinking Maps uses visual tools to enhance comprehension, critical thinking, and retention.

  • Visual Tools: Students create visual representations of their thoughts and learning.
  • Cognitive Development: Encourages higher-order thinking and problem-solving.
  • Dual Language Learners: Helps organize thoughts and ideas, making content more accessible.
  • Emotional Engagement: Engages students emotionally by making learning more interactive and personal.

4. Making Connections

Making Connections is a reading comprehension program that helps students develop higher-level thinking skills and comprehension strategies.

  • Comprehension Strategies: Focuses on predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing.
  • Higher-Order Thinking: Encourages analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of texts.
  • Dual Language Learners: Strategies help break down complex texts, making them easier to understand.
  • Social and Emotional Learning: Encourages collaboration and discussion, enhancing social skills.

5. QAR (Question-Answer Relationship)

QAR teaches students to understand the different types of questions and where to find answers.

  • Comprehension Skills: Differentiates between "In the Book" and "In My Head" questions.
  • Retention Strategies: Helps students remember where to look for information.
  • Dual Language Learners: Supports understanding of question types and how to approach them.
  • Social and Emotional Learning: Builds confidence in answering questions and engaging with texts.

6. Reciprocal Teaching

Reciprocal Teaching involves students in dialogue about the text to improve comprehension and critical thinking.

  • Dialogue-Based Learning: Students take turns leading discussions on the text.
  • Comprehension Strategies: Focuses on predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing.
  • Dual Language Learners: Encourages active participation and verbal processing of text.
  • Social and Emotional Skills: Enhances communication and collaborative skills.

7. Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)

VTS uses visual art to develop critical thinking, communication, and comprehension skills.

  • Visual Art: Students discuss and interpret visual images.
  • Critical Thinking: Encourages observation, interpretation, and reasoning.
  • Dual Language Learners: Supports language development through discussion and description.
  • Social and Emotional Learning: Fosters a safe environment for sharing ideas and respecting others' perspectives.


These programs, like Visualizing and Verbalizing, excel in enhancing comprehension, retention, and overall cognitive development through mental imagery and structured strategies. They are particularly beneficial for dual language learners and students with high social and emotional needs, providing the support and engagement necessary for effective learning. By incorporating these programs into educational settings, educators can help students develop the skills they need to succeed academically and beyond.

Barton Reading and Spelling vs. Visualizing and Verbalizing: A Tutor's Perspective

 As a tutor working with students in grades 3-7, I've explored various methods to address diverse learning needs, especially for those with learning gaps, dual language learners, and children with high social and emotional needs. Two programs that have stood out in my practice are the Barton Reading and Spelling System and Nanci Bell's Visualizing and Verbalizing. Here's a comparative look at these two approaches and how they benefit different student populations.

Barton Reading and Spelling System

The Barton Reading and Spelling System is a structured, multi-sensory approach designed primarily for students with dyslexia and other reading difficulties. It is based on the Orton-Gillingham method, which emphasizes explicit, systematic phonics instruction.

Key Features:

  1. Multi-Sensory Learning: Involves visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile pathways to enhance memory and learning of written language.
  2. Systematic and Sequential: Lessons are carefully sequenced to build upon previously learned skills, ensuring a solid foundation in phonics, spelling, and reading.
  3. Explicit Instruction: Provides direct, clear teaching of phonemic awareness, phonics, and spelling rules.
  4. One-on-One Implementation: Typically delivered in a one-on-one setting, which allows for personalized instruction tailored to the student's pace and needs.


  • Improved Decoding Skills: Helps students break down and decode words, which is essential for reading fluency.
  • Enhanced Spelling: Systematic teaching of spelling rules and patterns improves spelling accuracy.
  • Increased Confidence: As students master reading and spelling skills, their confidence in handling written language grows.

Best For:

  • Students with dyslexia or significant reading and spelling difficulties.
  • Learners who benefit from structured, explicit instruction and a step-by-step approach.

Visualizing and Verbalizing

Nanci Bell's Visualizing and Verbalizing program focuses on developing mental imagery as a basis for language comprehension and critical thinking. It aims to enhance students' ability to visualize and verbalize concepts, improving their overall understanding and recall of information.

Key Features:

  1. Mental Imagery: Encourages students to create mental images while processing language, enhancing comprehension and memory.
  2. Concept Imaging: Helps students visualize entire concepts, which aids in understanding and recalling detailed information.
  3. Interactive Sessions: Involves guided practice in creating and describing mental images, often in one-on-one or small group settings.
  4. Adaptable to Various Needs: Can be tailored to support dual language learners and students with social and emotional needs.


  • Enhanced Comprehension: Visualization helps students better understand and remember what they read or hear.
  • Improved Retention: Creating mental images aids long-term memory, making it easier to recall information.
  • Boosted Confidence: Success in visualizing and verbalizing tasks increases self-esteem and encourages active participation.
  • Support for Diverse Needs: Structured exercises provide a calming effect, helping students manage anxiety and focus better.

Best For:

  • Students with learning gaps who need to improve comprehension and retention.
  • Dual language learners who benefit from visual support to understand new vocabulary and grammar.
  • Children with high social and emotional needs who require a structured, calming approach to learning.


Both the Barton Reading and Spelling System and Visualizing and Verbalizing offer unique benefits tailored to different learning needs.

  • Barton is ideal for students with dyslexia or severe reading and spelling challenges, providing systematic, explicit instruction that builds foundational skills.
  • Visualizing and Verbalizing excels in enhancing comprehension, retention, and overall cognitive development through mental imagery, making it beneficial for dual language learners and students with high social and emotional needs.

As a tutor, I find that understanding the specific needs of each student allows me to choose the most appropriate program. Often, a combination of approaches can offer the most comprehensive support, ensuring that every student can unlock their full potential and thrive academically


The Nancibell® Visualizing and Verbalizing® Language Comprehension and Thinking (V/V)

More on Visualizing and Verbalizing


Why I Found "Visualizing and Verbalizing" Beneficial for My Students in Grades 3-7

As a tutor, I've always been on the lookout for effective strategies to help my students grasp complex concepts and develop strong comprehension skills. Recently, I integrated Nanci Bell's "Visualizing and Verbalizing" program into my tutoring sessions, and the results have been nothing short of transformative for my students in grades 3-7. Here’s why I believe this program is a game-changer, especially for those with learning gaps, dual language learners, and children with high social and emotional needs.

Bridging Learning Gaps

One of the most significant challenges I face as a tutor is addressing the learning gaps that many students bring to our sessions. These gaps can stem from various factors, such as inconsistent schooling, language barriers, or personal challenges. "Visualizing and Verbalizing" has been instrumental in bridging these gaps. By focusing on the development of mental imagery, the program helps students build a solid foundation for understanding and recalling information. For instance, students who struggled with reading comprehension now visualize story elements, making it easier for them to follow and remember narratives. This approach has leveled the playing field, allowing students to catch up and keep up with their peers.

Enhanced Comprehension Through Visualization

One of the standout benefits of "Visualizing and Verbalizing" is its emphasis on mental imagery. By encouraging students to create vivid pictures in their minds as they read or listen to information, I've seen significant improvements in their understanding. For example, when working on reading comprehension, students who previously struggled to recall details from a story began to remember and articulate these details with greater clarity. Visualizing characters, settings, and events made the text come alive for them, enhancing their overall grasp of the material.

Improved Retention and Recall

Retention has always been a challenge for some of my students, particularly when it comes to recalling information during tests or discussions. The mental imagery techniques taught in "Visualizing and Verbalizing" have proven incredibly effective in this regard. Students are now better able to remember what they've read or heard because they've anchored this information to vivid mental images. This method has been particularly beneficial in subjects like history and science, where understanding and remembering detailed information is crucial.

Boosted Confidence and Participation

One unexpected but delightful outcome of using this program has been the boost in my students' confidence. As they became more adept at visualizing and verbalizing their thoughts, their ability to communicate improved. This newfound confidence has translated into greater participation in class discussions and a more proactive approach to learning. Watching students who were once hesitant to speak up now eagerly share their ideas has been incredibly rewarding.

Support for Diverse Learning Needs

The "Visualizing and Verbalizing" program has also proven to be a versatile tool that caters to the diverse learning needs of my students. Whether working with dual language learners or students with high social and emotional needs, the structured approach of creating and describing mental images has provided a supportive framework. For instance, dual language learners have benefited from visualizing new vocabulary words, making it easier to internalize and recall them without relying solely on translation. Meanwhile, students with social and emotional needs find the structured and predictable nature of the exercises calming and focusing, which helps them engage more effectively with their learning.

Managing Anxiety and Enhancing Focus

Many of my students experience anxiety around learning and tests. The structured visualization exercises from the program have a calming effect, helping them manage their anxiety and focus better on their tasks. This has been particularly helpful during exam preparations, where the stress levels are usually high. By visualizing the content they need to study, students can approach their exams with greater confidence and calm.


Integrating "Visualizing and Verbalizing" into my tutoring sessions has been a rewarding experience. This program has not only enhanced my students' comprehension, retention, and communication skills but also boosted their confidence and participation. It has been particularly effective in bridging learning gaps and supporting dual language learners and children with high social and emotional needs. Seeing the positive impact on students from grades 3-7, I am convinced of the power of mental imagery in learning. For any tutor looking to make a significant difference in their students' educational journey, I highly recommend giving "Visualizing and Verbalizing" a try. It’s a tool that truly unlocks potential and fosters a deeper, more engaging learning experience.

References and Resources

Visualizing and Verbalizing

Unlocking Potential: How "Visualizing and Verbalizing" Empowers Dual Language Learners and Children with High Social and Emotional Need

In the diverse landscape of modern classrooms, educators continually seek effective strategies to support all learners, especially those facing unique challenges. Dual language learners and children with high social and emotional needs often require tailored approaches to thrive academically and personally. Nanci Bell's "Visualizing and Verbalizing" program stands out as a powerful tool that addresses these needs by leveraging the power of mental imagery to enhance comprehension, retention, and overall cognitive development.

Benefits for Dual Language Learners

  1. Enhanced Language Comprehension Dual language learners can significantly benefit from the visualization techniques taught in the program. By forming mental images of new words and concepts, students can understand and internalize new vocabulary and grammar more effectively. This visual support bridges the gap between languages, allowing for a deeper and more intuitive grasp of both.

  2. Improved Retention and Recall Mental imagery aids in long-term memory retention, making it easier for students to recall information during conversations and exams. This method supports the natural learning process by connecting new information with vivid visual cues, which are easier for the brain to retrieve.

  3. Facilitating Direct Understanding Visualizing concepts helps learners associate words directly with images rather than relying solely on translation. This direct association fosters quicker and more accurate understanding, enhancing the overall language acquisition process.

Support for Children with High Social and Emotional Needs

  1. Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem For children with high social and emotional needs, success in visualizing and verbalizing exercises can significantly boost confidence. Achieving clarity in understanding and expression helps these children feel more competent and self-assured in their abilities, encouraging active participation in classroom activities.

  2. Managing Anxiety and Enhancing Focus Structured visualization exercises can have a calming effect, helping children manage anxiety and focus better on learning tasks. The predictability and structure of the program provide a safe space for these children to engage without the fear of unexpected challenges.

  3. Improving Communication Skills As children learn to describe their mental images, they become better at expressing their thoughts and feelings. This improvement in verbal skills is crucial for social interaction and emotional regulation, aiding in their overall personal development.


Nanci Bell's "Visualizing and Verbalizing" program offers a multifaceted approach to learning that is particularly beneficial for dual language learners and children with high social and emotional needs. By fostering strong mental imagery skills, this program not only enhances academic performance but also supports emotional well-being and social development. Embracing such innovative methods can create a more inclusive and effective learning environment, empowering every student to reach their full potentia

Resources and References: 

Vizualizing and Verbalizing